Our Rabbit Grooming Services

Brushing and Combing
Regular brushing and combing are essential to prevent matting and reduce shedding. Our groomers use gentle techniques to remove loose fur and tangles.

Nail Trimming
Our expert nail trimming service ensures that your rabbit’s nails are kept at an optimal length, preventing injuries and promoting good hygiene.

Ear Cleaning
Our groomers carefully clean your rabbit’s ears, removing any debris and wax buildup to prevent infections and ensure their ears stay healthy.

Fur Trimming
Whether your rabbit has long or short fur, regular trimming helps maintain their coat’s health and appearance. Our fur trimming service is customized to suit your rabbit’s breed and fur type.

Our gentle bathing service uses rabbit-safe products to cleanse their fur without causing stress or skin irritation.

Teeth Checking and Filing
Our groomers check your rabbit’s teeth for any signs of overgrowth or dental issues and provide filing if necessary, ensuring their teeth are in top condition.

Anal Gland Cleaning
Our groomers are trained to perform this delicate procedure, ensuring your rabbit remains comfortable and odor-free.